This article was taken from the ABC news website. High profile court cases over the use of weed killer glyphosate are pushing farmers to investigate new ways of managing weeds to meet consumer expectations. Following similar trials in the US, Australian legal action has been launched against agribusiness giant Monsanto — acquired last year by German company Bayer — by a Melbourne gardener who claims his cancer was caused by the herbicide Roundup. Ongoing questions about the … Read More
Naturelinks has an ongoing relationship with a number of Friends Groups, and The Green Army, and we have been working together for many years. Through the direct coordination and communication between our Bushland Management Team, local water authorities and Volunteer groups, we strive to achieve our long term goals of biodiversity and sustainability in everything we do. One such project is the Urban Fringe at Arthurs Seat. The ongoing Urban Fringe Grant is a joint … Read More