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Farmers turning their backs on Roundup and searching for alternatives

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This article was taken from the ABC news website. High profile court cases over the use of weed killer glyphosate are pushing farmers to investigate new ways of managing weeds to meet consumer expectations. Following similar trials in the US, Australian legal action has been launched against agribusiness giant Monsanto — acquired last year by German company Bayer — by a Melbourne gardener who claims his cancer was caused by the herbicide Roundup. Ongoing questions about the … Read More


Through our dedicated staff, and large range of equipment, we are able to carry out a vast range of quality environmental projects, achieving the high levels of corporate compliance required. Safet READ MORE


The strength is being able to give them a rundown of the job and be confident in their competence in managing native vegetation. I trust what they do, and they have a good reputation in the industry READ MORE