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How Biodiversity Management Software is Changing the Way Bushland Managers Work

A small group of early-adopter Bushland Managers across Victoria gathered in early May to exchange ideas about how software was changing the way they managed the spaces in their care. The minutes from the forum can be downloaded here. In this article we feature 5 evolving approaches. Works Reporting at Merri Creek Tony Faithful presented some ground-breaking practices around Works Reporting in Merri Creek. Armed with Windows tablets toughened for use in the field, the … Read More


Through our dedicated staff, and large range of equipment, we are able to carry out a vast range of quality environmental projects, achieving the high levels of corporate compliance required. Safet READ MORE


The strength is being able to give them a rundown of the job and be confident in their competence in managing native vegetation. I trust what they do, and they have a good reputation in the industry READ MORE